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Dear list,
i posed a question yesterday asking whether anyone had seen the Discovery
Channel show about a pill being tested for celiacs, which would allow them to
eat ANYTHING after taking the pill. I have received numerous responses asking
me to summarize the results I get. I WILL!! So please do not write asking me
to do so. I can't keep up with the number of people asking. I will post
results in a few days. Hopefully, someone will have heard something about it,
as it seems this would be very exciting news for celiacs! I think the
Discovery Channel repeats a lot of their programs, so maybe if anyone happens
to see the program listed in TV Guide, or something like it, he could post
the time so everyone interested could watch. If I ever find out the show is
going to be repeated I will RUN to my computer and let you all know the date
and time.

Leigh Sutherland