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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:44:08 PST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The response graph for Abigail's Celiac Disease Poll #2
will be located at:

Although this is not a random sample, the response rate
is high for a voluntary survey.  This survey was done
to determine the general make up of the celiac list.

The poll was as follows:
Which of the Following Best Describes Your Reason for being a
Celiac Listserv Member? (Please check the box which most closely
applies to your situation. Please, only one vote per member.)

1.  I am a medical doctor, nurse, or other medical technician
with an interest in CD, BUT I do NOT have CD.(3 responses) 1%

2.  I am a medical doctor, nurse, or other medical technician
with an interest in CD, (23 responses) 8%

3.  I am a medical doctor, nurse, or other medical technician
with an interest in CD AND I do NOT have CD, BUT I have a family
member with CD.  (7 responses) 2%

4.  I am NOT a medical professional, AND I do not have CD, but
someone else in my household (42 responses) 14%

5.  I am NOT a medical professional, BUT I do have C D AND
so  does at least one other person in my household.
(28 responses) 9%

6.  I am NOT a medical professional, BUT I do have Celiac
Disease AND none of my other household members have CD.
(159 responses) 53%

7.  I do NOT have CD, BUT either I or a household member has
a wheat allergy. (15 responses) 5%

8.  Other reason not listed above.(23 responses) 8%

Total responses:  300 celiacs


Some general observations we can make regarding the general makeup of
the celiac listserv:

1.  Only 5% of the list respondents are wheat allergic, rather than
celiac. I expected this figure to be much higher.

2.  Most of our respondents are themselves celiacs, which is
70% of the respondents.

3.  Approximately 25% of the respondents have someone else in
their household with CD.

4.  Only 9% of the respondents are themselves celiac and have
more than  one person in their household who are celiac as well.

5.  There were 30 respondents who are medical professionals who
have CD or have a family member with CD, which is 10% of the

6.  Only 1% of my respondents are medical professionals who
are not celiac and have no family members with CD.

We are fortunate to have 11% of our list who are medical
professionals with an interest in CD.  It's these members
who often keep us on our toes when it comes to being accurate
with scientific data related to CD.  I was glad to see that they
responded to the poll, and therefore most likely read messages
regularly.  This can be reassuring to members that
may post requests to obtain a professional response if necessary.
Such responses will not be falling on deaf ears.

One more observation.   Although the celiac listserv has 2700
members signed up, some of these are duplicates.  I contact a
list owner and discovered that the 2700 includes all email
addresses that are valid for  posting messages.  I have 3
addresses that I can post from.... so that means that the
numbers may be slightly inflated if others have more than one
address on file as well.

The next poll will be under separate cover, hopefully on Friday.
The poll system is down tonight.

Abigail, St Paul, MN
Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group http://www.customforum.com/celiac/
Moderated chats: Mon 8-9pm E.T.
Non-Moderated Chat Wed 8-10pm E.T.