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Fri, 19 Feb 1999 08:01:25 -0800
Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I fell about three weeks ago and badly sprained my ankle.  X-Rays showed no
broken bones.  The Doctor I saw in Urgent Care found degenerative arthritic
changes in my ankle and knee.  I saw an orthopedic surgeon yesterday who put
a walking cast on the ankle and more or less told me to learn to live with
the arthritis.  Also informed me that my legs are malformed.

Ive been walking with the aid of a cane for the past four years.  A year ago,
the stiffness in my knees became horrific while I was drinking MetRx to help
loose weight, also I was suffering from almost constant diarrhea.  (This
prior to discovering my Celiac problems) When I stopped MetRx my knee pain
and diarrhea diminished greatly.  However I still needed a cane to walk.

Until my recent fall, my joint pain had been diminishing on a GF diet.

My Question.  There have to be more options available to me than to simply
learn to live with it.  I mean, Living with it is what Ive been doing all
these years anyway.  This is NUTS!!!  If I had not discovered the Celiac
group Id still be misdiagnosed as a hysteric suffering from chronic diarrhea,
chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, tachycardia, gas, etc., etc., etc.  Any
and all advice would be greatly appreciated, as the thought of watching my
joints degenerate even further is terrifying.

Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit