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Sun, 13 Jul 1997 14:02:09 -0400
Trisha Stevenson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (139 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello there. I recently asked if there might be any reason to suspect a
connection between a gluten problem and a diagnosis of ventricular arrythmia.
Here are the responses.


I don't know anything about ventricular arrythmia. I know some
arrythmias are considered okay and some dangerous. I had all sorts of heart
lumps and thumps and strange feelings, weaknesses when standing or walking when
I was eating wheat. This was before the aerobic exercise revolution. At that
time, laypeople didn't know how to take pulses, so I really didn't know and was
scared to ask just what was going on. Most of this stopped when I stopped eating

I still have premature atrial contractions at times now. Went for a
complete (and probably very expensive to the HMO) workup and they gave me that
diagnosis but pronounced my heart healthy. Guess PACs don't have
anything to do with the heart!!! I did find later that they are
associated with my eating rice (the great celiac staple) and sometimes
milk products. It pretty much seems I can control these with diet.

So my answer to you from personal experience is that some arrythmias can
be associated with celiac disease.


I have an irregular heartbeat (discovered at age 23, when I tried to donate
blood) with no underlying heart disease. I was diagnosed as having celiac
disease at age 34, after a few months of diarrhea/weight loss/malabsorption -
classic celiac symptoms, but only for a few months, NOT my entire life. I never
connected the two - I think I still have the arrythmia after 5+ years GF.


If ventricular arrythmia is irregular heartbeats, count me in.
My MD blamed it on stress. He sent me to a cardiologist who found


I am a celiac for several years and developed a ventricular arrhythmia
in the last 5 years (I am 51 now). My arrhythmia is diagnosed as "long
QT syndrome" and I have looked in the medical literature for the
etiology, but I have not found an association with celiac disease.


My understanding is that vascular abnormalities are fairly common in
cd. I would have to look that up, but I'm quite sure it is the case. Since
arrythmia is thought to result from abnormalities in the impulses from the sino
atrial node, and since this area is sheathed with endomysial tissues,
disturbances to the endomysium might well result in disturbances to the

As you know, the detection of anti-endomysial antibodies is gaining
acceptance as diagnostic for celiac disease. The relationship seems very
credible to me.


When my potassium (and everything else) was very low due to malabsorption, just
before I got diagnosed I had ventricular arrhythmias. But it went away when my
electrolytes were corrected.


I have been having problems with PVC's since January. I am 34 and have DH (since
1977) and have had a biopsy that was not conclusive for CD. I don't know how
your making out with your arrythmia's, but I can tell you I don't enjoy them at
all. I am on Atenolol. It seems to work most of the time, but I still get mild
PVC's now and then.


I am not 'officially' diagnosed, but am following a gluten, sugar, and
dairy-free diet on the advice of a doctor I have recently seen. One
thing that I have noticed is that since being on this diet (only 3 wks),
I am of course feeling a lot better, but if I slip up I seem to get an
increased heart rate. I have no idea why. For example, this Saturday, I
had breaded chicken fingers, (I knew I would react somehow, but I had
them anyway). For approximately 2-3 hrs after eating, it felt like I had
just finished an aerobics class. I don't know if this helps you, but
perhaps there is some faint connection.
(PS-my naturopath mentioned that there did seem to be some type of
problem with my heart, but didn't give any more details)


I also have had problems with my heart. Mostly tachychardia, with an
occasional murmur. My Celiac symptoms first surfaced with autonomic
nerve problems. It has taken the doctors over 3 years to finally
diagnose Celiac. My resting heart rate can be as much as 180...


Can't speak to ventricular arrhythmia specifically, but after 2 years
post-CD diagnosis, I've recently developed mitral valve prolapse (my
internist labelled me "textbook" on this one...).


I have been diagnosed with super ventricular tachycardia that started around the
same time my celiac disease did. None of my doctors feel it's related to either
of my chronic illensses (Lupus and Celiac Sprue). However, in readings I
recently did I found a correlation between low levels of vitamin B-12 and
tachycardia. I am currently being given weekly injections because of recently
diagnosed (very) low levels. But when I asked my Hematologist, she said she
didn't think there was a connection.


Although I don't know about any correlation, I also have had ventricular
arrythmia, and was hospitalized with it. That was about 1 1/2 years
after figuring out I was a Celiac, like my father before me. I was
placed on Tenormin, but after about 2 years weaned myself off it and
have not had any arrythmia symptoms since. It should be noted that for
the first few years on the gluten free diet, I really didn't know a lot
about what to look for in reading ingredient labels, so was injesting
certain amounts of gluten all along.


I had SVT starting in February 1996 and they put me on a medication that lowered
my blood pressure and heart rate too much and made me so tired. In June 1996 had
an ablation done as doctor thought that would take care of the problem. He tried
a dozen "spots" to cauterize and still couldn't get the right "spot". Said he
didn't want to go any deeper. He suggested I go to another hospital out of state
where the doctor was a "pioneer" of the ablations. Had that ablation done in
August 1996 - the doctor couldn't get the heart to race at the time so he
couldn't do anything. Of course after leaving the hospital the SVT started
again. Stayed on the same medication but instead of taking it daily took it
every other day. In October I self diagnosed myself as a Celiac. After being on
the diet for two weeks I felt great. In that period of time I forgot about my
medication for the SVT and then decided to see how long I could go without it.
Never did take it again. I had fourteen symptoms that disappeared when I went
gluten free and that was one of them.