<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
> 1) From listeling to the discussion I have got the image that weman celiac
> tend to suffer from headaces while men celiacs are not?
> Anuone else share this feeling?
> I am on STRICT diet for a long time and still have terible headaces. My
> father who is a biopsy-confirmed celiac patients don't suffer from
> headaces (but he has other discomforts).
Hi Dalit:
Whenever I take in even a little bit of gluten, I have virtually all the
classic discomforts as a quick result, but the most frustrating surely
has to be the migraines. They come surely and quickly - after
approximately 20 minutes of consumption - and tend to hang around for
about 3 days. If other men don't get these headaches so frequently, my
guess is that they probably do but just don't complain. Or maybe it has
to do with the female hormones.