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Wed, 29 Nov 1995 18:28:02 -0500
Betty Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
This is an article that was in our daily paper last week, and I thought you
all might be interested since there has been a discussion on this recently on
the list.
"Are Bugs in Your Pantry Driving You Bananas?
If you are bugged by tiny insects in flour, cereal, cookies, cracker meal,
raisins, try dropping lemon-scented ammonia into a glass jar (about a quarter
full) topped with aluminum foil and pierced with several holes.
Place the ammonia in the corner of the food closet on the shelf.  Check every
few weeks.  There should be no odor and the bugs likely will collect in the
I haven't tried it yet, but it might be worth a shot.  I keep a lot of my
flours, etc. in glass jars with tight-fitting lids, and some in the bags in
the refrigerator.  I lost a whole box of dry milk to those cursed bugs
several weeks ago, so now I keep that in the frig as well.  Once they got
into a plastic container of popcorn I had had for a long time, and when I
finally opened it, a bunch of moth-like creatures **flew** out.  Left long
enough, I think they do this.  I thought it was just because we live on a
farm, but I guess it affects others as well.