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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9512 8920 26 22_CD or not CD? (part 2)17_Mark Michel (USF)[log in to unmask], 22 Dec 1995 22:12:48 -0500576_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it 6-8, with San Francisco tours
available on October 5, also a preconference dinner and governing
board meeting on the 5th. This will be at the Airport Marriott Hotel.
Reservations and payment by September 30 to CSA/USA, Inc. in Omaha, NE
will be necessary to forego a 50% increment fee! Lynn45_11Sep199510:21:[log in to unmask] 9509 4232 21 27_Re: How much gluten is okay9_J. [log in to unmask], 11 Sep 1995 14:04:46 -0500601_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I want to clarify my views on how often a celiac can eat gluten and get
away with it.
The best way is to always avoid it.
If a patient tells me they have eaten gltuten once a month and had one or
two days of symptoms then that is probably all they will get.
The problem is we're all human and most tend to under-report the
Certainly the intake of gluten every week with the production of symptoms
will have a high liklihood of prodcing chronic damage.
I [...]50_11Sep199514:04:[log in to unmask] 9509 4254 17 32_Re: CELIAC Disease and back pain13_Joe S. [log in to unmask], 11 Sep 1995 18:03:17 -0400664_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Mary Alice suffered a great deal from chronic back pain. In 1986 while we
were at the Canadian Celiac Conference in Vancouver, BC, she received a
crush fracture of T-11. This lead to a diagnosis of sever osteoperosis
which explains the pain. Prior to her hospitalization last November, she
had lost some 7 inches in height over the last 15 years. We are reasonably
sure the osteoperosis was caused by prolonged malabsorption due to
undiagnosed celiac disease (she was diagnosed with biopsy in '78). She felt
strongly that osteoperosis was [...]41_11Sep199518:03:[log in to unmask] 9509 4272 22 21_Re: US Tax [log in to unmask], 11 Sep 1995 17:55:58 -0500579_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In a previous message on this topic, citations in support of a tax
deduction for the extra cost of gluten free food were listed. I recently
tried to obtain copies of these documents just to have in my file in case
any of my deductions were ever questioned. I realized, however, that one
on the citations contained a typographical error and the others were somewhat
incomplete. The following is a corrected list of citations in support of
the tax deduction: [...]52_11Sep199517:55:[log in to unmask] 9509 4295 12 22_Re: Catholic communion12_Roach - [log in to unmask], 11 Sep 1995 21:35:46 -0400486_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Celiac disease is VERY common in Italy and has been addresses there in
terms of gov't allowances for extra food expenses, I believe. Some of the
prominent pediatric GI people there should be contacted. I an SURE that
they have already addressed the HOLY SEE somehow on this matter. Perhaps
it is the US conference of Bishops. The Baltimore Cardinal chairs this I
do think.41_11Sep199521:35:[log in to unmask] 9509 4308 51 59_Down syndrome & gut permeability comment from K.L. Reichelt16_Michael W. [log in to unmask], 12 Sep 1995 00:28:19 -0400690_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information befor
Mon, 11 Sep 1995 10:27:13 -0400
text/plain (16 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I have been on the GF diet for almost three years and suddenly, in the past 6
months, I am getting severe back pains, also in the kidney area.  I, too,
have worried about what else this might indicate.  So now I am going through
all the tests again, from upper GI, and all the blood (vitamins as well as
IgA, etc) possible endoscopy, another biopsy, Fecal Fat tests, etc.  So far
no indication of any additional problems.  However, I see more and more of us
posting about back pain and its relationship to CD.  If anyone gets any
answers let's post to the group so we may all benefit.
My only results have been high ferritin...now exploring the possibility of
hemochomatosis.  More studies to be done.  I have been told to take
NutraPhos-K for five days and come back for more blood work.  Anyone else
pursuing this line of study?