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Gordon Claridge <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Sep 1995 21:56:00 AEST
text/plain (55 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
At 07:09 PM 10/1/95 -0400, Karen Ryno <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Later I heard about 'Tropical Sprue' and that it has the same symptoms as CS
>but is treatable with high doses of antibiotics.  There is some information
>on the subject but not much.  It is typically reported in those that spend
>long periods of time in tropical areas.  Anybody have any info on this?
Sorry I can't give you the reference but the following from a medical text
that I asked a less than forthcoming doctor to copy from one of his texts
last year may give some idea of how close tropical sprue is to celiac
I was diagnosed with tropical sprue after months of tests which had yielded
conclusions such as (initially) cholera, paratyphoid, etc.  I work mainly in
Asia and had spent a long period in China but with spells in Laos and
Thailand.  The initial attack (which I now think triggered CD) occurred
after two weeks back home in Australia and was very cholera-like.  However
this "settled down" to persistent runny stools, stomach pains, and
increasing debilitation.  The treatment prescribed was long-term
tetracycline. This had absolutely no effect apart from some fairly severe
side effects after three months, when I took myself off the drug and changed
doctors.  A friend who, I later found out, had contracted tropical sprue at
about the same time, was treated with six weeks of tetracycline and
recovered - so he presumably had TS.
I only found out about CD when I got onto the 'net and searched "sprue".
Then I discovered that many other complaints that I had, e.g. scalp
dermatitis with watery blisters, were symptoms of CD.  At the moment I am
self-diagnosed as my travelling for work has not allowed time for tests.
Nevertheless a gluten free diet has virtually eliminated all symptoms.
I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who has had this problem of
confusion of TS and CD.
Here is the extract on Tropical Sprue:
"This is a disorder of unknown cause characterized by malabsorption,
abnormal small-intesintal histologic characteristics, and the ultimate
development of multiple nutritional deficiencies.  ... While bacteriologic
and viral studies of the intestinal tract in these patients have been
inconclusive, improvement often occurs after institution of antibiotic
therapy, suggesting that microorganisms may play an etiologic role in this
disorder.  Patients frequently complain of anorexia, fatigue, diarrhea with
malodorous stools, weight loss, and glossitis. ...  The intestinal mucosa
shows varying degrees of villous atrophy with blunted and flattened villi,
together with intense lymphocytic infiltration of the lamina propria.  The
changes are similar to, but generally less severe than those observed in
nontropical sprue."
Hope this helps
Gordon Claridge