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Cathy Magyery <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sun, 14 Feb 2010 14:58:56 EST
text/plain (128 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Never had any luck with building up my calcium naturally because I have  
celiac. Recent  research has shown that celiacs can't absorb calcium and  Vit. 
D properly.  Read Connie Sarro's info.

I did try Forteo daily  shots for a month.  Caused such severe leg pain I 
couldn't sleep at  night.  I had to stop & now am back to taking the once 
yearly Reclast  infusion with no problems. 

Mary in FL

Cathy,   do you aerobically exercise and lift weights?  Do  forget the 
stretches after yoour are through with our exercise.   Swimming doesn't 
seem to help much.

The doctor I see in Renton for my osteoporosis has me on a low dose of  
testosterone cream, Vit. K-2, strontium, calcium-magnesium, Vit. D, and a few  
others! Plus the regular vitamin-mineral. Haven't had a DEXA scan since I've 
 been on this regimen but I hope it's helping. 

Vitamin K seems to help  Vitamin D work better. This NIH site discusses 
Since  Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitaimin & celiac often have problems 
absorbing  fat, it would be reasonable to suspect that a vitamin K deficiency 
could  contributing factor in their high risk of osteoporosis.  Vitamin K is 
found  is green vegetables and there are several types of K...K1 is for 
medical  uses.  K2 is formed naturally in the gut by bacteria (& celiac may not  
have a good mix of bacteria). NOW makes  Vitamn D w/ K2...

If they  haven't measured you vitamin D they aren't doing the treatment 
protocol  correctly since you have to have adequate vitamin D & calcium for the 
drugs  to work.  
Many need Rx doses of D...

Some of the more holistic  doctors use Twin Labs Tri-Boron in place of 
Fosamax as it's also an essential  mineral to bone health.

The Body can only absorb 600 mg of calcium at any  one time so you need to 
split the doses up during the day is taking more.   Taking Ca with Vitamin C 
improves absorptions-calcium enriched orange juice is  good combo! Taking 
Ca with meals can alter stomach acid so food isn't digested  properly.  Check 
with pharmacist on when timing of Ca & other meds.  

Bev in Milwaukee

When I went gf, I had osteoporosis and had just undergone a complete  
hysterectomy.  Since I was so anemic (iron ferritin of only 2), they  considered 
this a life-saving surgery for me.  Because of the hysterectomy,  I did 
research on natural hormone replacement and came up with soy isoflavones,  DHEA, 
and vit E therapy.  I believe Dr Weil was one who supported this  therapy, 
tho there was another well-known alternative doctor who came up with it  
(Sahalian???  I think)  I tell you this so you can look it up online  if you 
are interested and get the correct dosages.  I believe I took  between 15 and 
50 mg of DHEA--started with 50mg and then after 6 or 8  months lowered it to 
25mg and then after another 6 or 8 months lowered it again  to 15mg.)  When 
I was later dxed with CD and osteoporosis, 7  months later, I was already 
on this therapy, but added only Viactive  calcium chews (for calcium, 
magnesium, and vit K) and ate 1 or 2  individual cartons of Yoplait yogurt with it 
before bed (same time I took my  hormone replacement) for my bones.  
I later found, however, that the natural hormone replacement therapy  was 
supporting my osteo supplementation.  I went for my next annual  dexa-scan 
and the technician ran it twice, my gains were so astonishing!   He asked what 
I was taking.  I said only Viactive chews and yogurt and he  said, 
"Impossible.  You HAVE to be taking something more than  that."  He asked what other 
supplements I took and I mentioned  the natural hormone replacement 
therapy.  The next year when I went back,  he was the same person running the dexa 
machine.  Again, I showed great  gains.  He told me he looked into my 
supplementation and the the hormone  replacement was likely what was helping my 
bones, along with the yogurt and  Viactive chews.  I finally went from -3.50 
to normal for my age in not  quite 3 years (+1.75).  
BTW, I later had soy issues and had to end the use of soy--it made me  
hypothyroid.  However, when I quit using soy, my thyroid indicators went  back 
to normal, too.  I tell you this in case you have thyroid  problems.
Good luck; hope it works for you,

hope you get help with this problem because I am dealing with the  same
questions, and I don't want to use the drugs either.  Would you be  able to
summarize your responses?  I'm sure it would help many  people.

Here's to a natural way to improving bone health!  I'm also  going to try a
weight vest while walking on the treadmill/outside.   Instead of purchasing
one my chiropractor told me to make an inexpensive one  with a hunting type
vest and sewing weights on it or using pockets if I can  find one with
pockets all around.  Since my spine needs the most growth  the weights need
to be close to that area of my body.

I too had the same problem and did not fill the  prescription after reading 
the side effects.  I use Advanced Research  by Hans Nieper M.D. calcium 
orotate (1.5grams).  It's has the most  absorbency of any calcium.  Also take 
2000 mg of vitamin D3 and  magnesium 800mg.  These are best taken together at 
night when your  body is repairing itself.  I started doing yoga as well.  
In 6  months my bone density went up almost one full point.  My Dr said  
"See I told you this medicine works.  You have had excellent results  - better 
than most".  This is when I told her I never filled the  script which is 
very expensive as well as bad for you.  She asked for  the names of what I was 
taking and said she wanted to research them and  possible suggest them to 
other patients as well.  I think Dr's just  like to prescribe medicine!  
Good luck to you, Elizabeth
P.S.  I also take alfalfa supplements and mix chia seeds in diluted juice  
everyday.  Chia is higher in calcium than dairy (I'm lactose  intolerant).  
Both have amazing health benefits :-)  

I would sugest reading the book "good Calroies Bad Calories"  (title=book 
not what you think) by Gary Taubes.  Then give up dairy  & grains.  Cook meat 
bones with a little lemon juice or apple  cider vinegar & use the broth for 
your soups, sauces etc.  
definitely exercise!!  Have you heard that now the docs think  osteoporosis 
is an autoimmune illness!!
oh also you should be taking plenty of vitamin D.  & take a  B12 (even if 
your level tests okay, a lot of people think that level is  too low) & make 
sure you are not low in any vitamins or  minerals.
hope this helps

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