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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 20:59:01 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My daughter is turning two tomorrow and we are having a family party for her on Saturday. She has requested a strawberry cake. I found a recipe I would like to use from Cook's Country Magazine called Strawberry Poke Cake. It's a white cake baked in a 9x13" baking dish where you poke holes and pour strawberry gelatin over the cake and then top with whipped cream icing. I'm wondering if I can adapt the recipe to make it a GF cake. The cake recipe is your standard white cake made only with egg whites. I have read that for a GF cake to be substantial, you need egg yolks. Here are my questions and concerns.

Can I use Bob's Red Mill GF flour blend in place of the regular wheat flour in the original recipe? Will the cake be sturdy enough to withstand poking holes in the the top in order to pour strawberry Jell-O over it or will the whole thing to mush?

Can I use the GF cake recipe I have that makes either 2 - 9" round cake pans or 3 - 8" round cake pans and pour it into a 9 x 13" baking dish as called for by the original recipe?

I would appreciate any advice that some of the seasoned GF bakers have out there.


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