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Sat, 5 May 2007 07:52:16 -0700
Darcie French <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Darcie French <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Once again, I received a wonderful avalanche of love and support from the
people here: thank-you.

Seems about 75% of the respondants thought I should continue with testing
(to rule out crohns, cancer), and 25% thought there was no need too.

Some people seemed upset at the thought of not going through with it for
several reasons: its good to have a diagnosis especially once one gets older
and needs more medical intervention in general, if it is the big C its
better to catch it early, and if it is crohns, it was suggested that I could
need some type of medication, so best to know.

The rest seemed to think that since I have had such a drastic improvement
going GF that CD is likely all that is going on, and one person suggested
that Crohns disease (apparently it was a surgeon who said this) is actually
just CD anyway. For some reason this last statement resonated very strongly
with me. In my case it makes a lot of sense.

I think my problem, deep down, is that I just want to get better- mentally,
I am done with being sick. I want to get healthy and finally get my career
going, my kids are finally getting old enough. I don't have time for tests,
waiting for results, don't even have time anymore for the mindset of being
ill. I only have time for healthy cooking, going to the gym, and taking care
of my family. :)

I believe (this is a personal belief and not said to negate anyone else's)
that cancer develops *in part* due to thought processes, and that worrying
about it may actually encourage it. I don't worry about it and thus don't
feel the need to explore that possibility, in fact, I feel that anything
that may have changed for the negative in my bowel has been reversed or at
least has begun to be reversed by the GF diet, and I honestly feel that if
precancer cellls are there, they won't be for long. I don't want to hold the
thought in my mind until aug that it 'might' be cancer, I want to let that
thought go, NOW.

The reason I didn't want sedation (the colonoscopy) was because I am free of
narcotics now, and I don't want to unecessarily have any- I want to save
those in case I ever need them for trauma. I had a colonsocopy as a kid and
broke through the sedation and it was horrible- I felt them taking the
biopsies and it HURT. So, no way I'd subject myself to it without sedation,
in fact I'd probably want them to 'double up' if possible :).

The upper GI series X-rays though I will go through with. Why not. The
swelling seems to be in the small bowel anyway, which is where they'll be
looking (as well as the stomach) for this test. If this test is positive for
anything that might extend to the large bowel, then I'll be looking at
keeping the colonoscopy app.

I have been treating the gas/bloating with daily natural, sugar free yogurt
with active cultures. L-Glutamin and Probiotics complex with meals has been
suggested and I intend to do that as well. It was suggested that I need to
call the DR to get the h-pylori results as they could have been put aside by
accident, so I'll follow through on that too.

Otherwise, I shall carry on back to Health.

With love,

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