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"Jody H." <[log in to unmask]>
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Jody H.
Thu, 26 Oct 2006 06:43:39 -0700
text/plain (114 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

t sounds very much like the gallbladder pain I had.

Don't mess around with it.  Have an ultrasound and get it diagnosed
one way or another.  Don't believe any stuff you read on the internet
about combating a diseased gallbladder in any way except to have it

I understand a lot of people with celiac disease also have
gallbladder problems, which also raises the likelihood for you (if
you are the one with celiac in your household).

The best thing that helped my own symptoms was not eating ANYTHING
deep-fried or really greasy, especially for dinner.  And, remarkably,
ibuprofen sometimes helped the pain eventually subside.  But, again,
I cannot stress how important it is to get a real diagnosis, and do
not try to "treat" yourself!  Actually, I had a different situation.
I kept telling my doctor that I thought I had a problem with my
gallbladder, and he kept dismissing me.  I put up with the pain for
years, wondering even if I had cancer.  I had a wonderful ob/gyn --
the minute I described my symptoms -- she had her ultrasound tech
look at my gallbladder, and it was VERY bad.  When I finally had it
removed, the surgeon told me that I was extremely lucky, as it was so
diseased that it could have easily perforated and possibly killed me.
Am not telling you this to frighten you -- only to encourage you to
at leave have it checked out.  The vast majority of gallbladders are
removed these days with laporascopy surgery -- just a few tiny holes
into which they insert laser tools to do the surgery.  No open
incisions, less opportunity for surgical complications and much
shorter recovery time.

That almost sounds like a virus I had about a year ago with the worst
Gut pain I have ever had.  It took a couple of days, and I could feel my
Intestines writhing and twisting inside.  All I could tolerate was fruit
Juice and 1/4 cup of dry wine every two or three hours which helped the
Muscle spasms and expelled the gas.  I also had fever and headache and spent
3 days or so on the couch.  At one point I thought it was food poisoning but
Emptying out the first day did not make it better; it had to run its course.

This could be a hiatle hernia or GERD.  I get a severe pain in that same
area, because of GERD's, and taking 2 Tums & drinking a full   glass of warm
water straight down seems to break the gas block that causes the pain.  This
allows the gas to breakup and go up or down.  One doctor called it the
'nutcracker pain' because your muscle spasms so hard it so crack a nut!
Gall bladder pain is brought on by certain foods and usually feels like a
band around your chest.
I hope this helps a little,
It sounds kind of like the gallbladder to me (speaking
from personal experience). I went to my acupuncturist
and he gave me these tablets called Lidan tablets. I
take them when I start feeling discomfort in that
area. It helps reduce inflammation so that any stones
that are stuck or trying to get out can. They've been
helping me for about three years now. I want
desperately to avoid the gallbladder surgery  my
sister and father had!

Castor oil packs go on the stomach with a hot pack.
No D and apple juice is a god send along with cooked apples leaving off the
lemon juice and olive oil twice a day is a liver gb cleanse.
SCD way of eating is the best and not to take fish oil caps as that is what
did it.CLO is best and omitting vita a supplement is another no, no. So
doing better,back to ole stand by chicken soup.

he only difference seems to be that the pain under my breastbone comes more
often and seems to be more marked after I set for a while.  I can barely
stand to wear my bra some days.  My gen. pract. doctor didn't seem to think
it was anything serious and said getting an MRI would be a last resort since
it was so expensive - like she was going to pay for it!   Anyhow, I'd be
interested in anything you hear.

protonix is similar to prilosec and all those things--it's by prescription
only and I have no side effects and it works! Of course you'd have to
consult your MD. good luck and keep me posted.

My aunt was having those same symptoms and adventually they became more
intense.  She had to have the gallbladder removed.  Have you seen a regular
md for this?  They would be able to tell you if it is necessary to remove it
but you are the age that the average person has problems with this.  My
uncle is the same age and my aunt and he too had to have the gall bladder
removed.  It is common.

Sounds like symptoms of GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disorder), very common
with celiacs.  You may want the physician to work  you up for that. It
requires taking H2 blockers, which suppress hyperacidity in the stomach
which goes up to the esophagus and causes substernal and "breast bone" pain.

so much pain I threw up- I had 3 attacks- each one more painful than the
other. I had gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed. (I finally
went to the ER the 3rd time I had an attack). I did not know what it --

Sounds like a typical gall bladder attack. I had my gall bladder removed two
months ago and I have felt so much better. No attacks, no swollen stomach,
no acid pain and I can eat the spicy foods I had been avoiding. Have yours
checked out. I had three very large gall stones. If the stones had blocked a
bile duct, it could have been life threatening.

I forgot to tell you one of my gallbladder
trigger foods:  HONEY!
castor oil pack with heat works every time
milk thistle liquid in glycerin
lemon juice and olive oil twice a day 3 tbsp of each
scd (breaking the vicuous cycle diet)
No nuts
enzyme with meals have half fish and half other meat. Eat fish at nigh

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