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Elizabeth Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
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Elizabeth Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 1 Oct 2006 08:11:45 -0700
text/plain (30 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear List,
  To refresh your memory, I posted a question inquiring why I did not have a reaction to eating a pork roast cooked in a wheat beer at my in-laws home.  I had many responses and several ideas as to why I didn't respond.  
  Some people thought I was just "lucky" but warned not to try it again.  This was completely accidental; I didn't eat the roast knowing it was cooked in beer but was reminded to continue to ask questions no matter how well I think my family understands the condition.  Besides, I don't believe in "luck"!
  The majority of responders thought my gut had healed enough over the past 4 years of being gluten-free so that a minute amount of gluten might not affect me as it used to.  They also warned that with continued contamination the reaction would most likely become worse.  
  Some folks thought 1 can of beer poured over an entire roast and then cooked would not have enough gluten to cause any damage.
  Another theory was that a large meal (or maybe a greasy meal or even eating an inside piece of meat that would'nt have been completely saturated in the beer) would have diluted and buffered the gluten.  Along this line, it was mentioned that the body digests liquids better than solids so maybe the gluten in the beer just slipped on through.
  Another poster stated that her son had unknowingly eaten two brats cooked all day in beer in a slow-cooker and didn't react either.
  To me, it remains a mystery.  I did have some symptoms of a reaction a week later so maybe I had a much delayed reaction (we've seen a post on reaction times recently).  Unfortunately, I just don't know my body well enough to understand if it's a gluten reaction or a reaction to too much salad, or the broccoli I ate or what!  I'll remain  diligent in my questions, reading labels, and eating sensibly!

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