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Brad Case <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Brad Case <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Nov 2004 17:29:39 +1100
text/plain (151 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thankyou to everyone who offered some feedback on the message I sent
below. I will summarize the responses & post it to this group so that
maybe it can be of value to others out there who are ging through what
I am going through.

At the moment the further tests I am having from Enterolabs are Yeast
and Egg Sensitivity Stool Panel,  Gluten Sensitivity Stool Panel
Complete and the Acute/Chronic Colitis Stool Test.

After consultiing with another doctor in Australia, he has advised to
do the following tests from http://www.arlaus.com.au/. Complete
Digestive Stool Analysis Collection Kit CDSA 1/2/3,  Liver
Detoxification Profile (FLDP) & The 3 day parasitology test.

According to the doctor these tests are very detailed and he was quite
certain that these tests would give a good idea of what is wrong. I am
hoping he is correct. Also,  www.arlaus.com.au do IgG testing for 93
different food Antibodies. I am thinking about ordering this as well,
however, the doctor advised that IgG Antibodie testing isn't accurate
enough to determine much by itself.

 As well as getting all these tests done, next week I will be getting
a Colonoscopy performed for further isolation.

 Thanks again for all the replies people have posted.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brad Case <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 16:52:03 +1100
Subject: Know Idea what is wrong.
To: [log in to unmask]

Hi everyone,

*Sorry for the long message, but I am getting desperate in trying to
work out what is wrong with me*

Approximately 3-4 Months ago I had some sort of severe stomach virus
where my stool was literally liquid. I had this for approximate a
week. Unfortunately after having this I have been suffering from mild
diarrhea & a sore upper stomach and upper back off & on ever since. .

I have recently been to the doctor & got a long list of blood test &
stool samples conducted.
Everything came back good. Normal for iron, normal for B12, except for
one result. My IgG was 84 where normal is supposed to be <34. However
my other tests for celiac came back good.
Celiac Panel test results (exactly as they are written):

Gliadin IgA (EIA)  < 20 AU/mL  Normal (< 34)
Gliadin IgG (EIA)     84 AU/mL  Normal (< 42)

Endomysial Antibodies Negative

Total IgA 1.91 g/L  Normal range ( 0.85-3.50)
Transglutaminase IgA Ab <7      AU/mL    Normal (< 7)

Also, all my stool tests came back fine for any infections etc. I
don't remember the exact tests done on my stool, but I do know that it
consisted of a large array of things, including looking for
  based on the Celiac Panel results I  was referred to a GI
specialist & after informing him of my symptons & how long I have had
them he came to the conclusion that I probably have a bad stomach
virus that is still lingering in my system, undetected by the stool
sample & that it will probably go away in due time.  Nevertheless I
insisted I wanted a Gastroscopy performed for further isolation to the
possibility of Celiac Disease. The results came back relatively good,
both on the visual performed by the specialist & the tissue samples
examined by the Pathology lab. Only thing noted was that a Grade A
(mild) oesophagitis was noted on my XXX.Oesophagus.
   After this I decided to try a Gluten free diet to see if my
problems go away. At first I thought I was on the right track Some
symptons went away, such as sore upper stomach & back pain & at one
stage I thought I was almost better, but unfortunately most symptons
soon relapsed. I've tried to isolate it down to other foods as a
possible cause & or combination, but everytime symptons come back
again I can't seem to make absolutely any correlation with what I eat.
& now I have even gone to the point of paranoia with gluten incase I
might have been getting it in my diet without realizing.

   In my efforts to continue to find out what is wrong with me I
continued down the track with DNA testing for predisposing genes
towards Celiac as that was the only thing I had to ( and still do) to
work with. My Genotype report by a lab in Australia is:


As reported on the test, these results show that I don't have the 2
most common HLA types (DQ2 & DQ8) for predisposition towards celiac.
However I do have subtypes of DQ1 which I just discovered from making
an enquiry to Dr Fine from Enterolab, which a predisposing genes to
Gluten intolerance (Not necessarily Celiac) & Neurological disorders.
  I decided to Order tests from Dr Fine in order for more further
isolation. I ordered the "Gluten Sensitivity Stool Panel Complete "
without the gene test component as I already know where I stand
there.. After  over 10 days of waiting the test kit came in the mail.
I don't want to do the test just yet becuase I am currently taking
Flagyl (Metronidazone) as prescribed by my local GP as they believe I
might just have a persistent parasite in my system that Flagyl should
take care of. I am on my last day of the course & unfortunately
(again) I feel no different.

  In the next few days I will send my stool sample to Dr fine for
analysis. Apart from that I am not really sure what else to do. Even
if the test do come back as showing gluten intolerance, I have already
removed gluten from my diet with only some improvements.
    My Local GP stated they wanted to send me to have a Colonoscopy
if the Flagyl Antibiotics didn't work.
    I am looking at doing the 113 IgG Food Intolerance test
administerd by Yorktest.com as well in a hope to find out the other
offending foods. If infact this is the problem.

The exact symptons I have are:

- Stomach & upper back pains off & on. Only when I was on my normal
diet (with gluten). I have reintroduced gluten for a few days once &
these symptons didn't reoccur. Perhaps they would over time whilst
consuming gluten.
- Unable to focus alot of the time. This occurs with & without gluten
in the diet.
- Irregular stool.  I think this occurs all the time. But am not 100
percent sure.
- Itching around the anus area. This occurs with & without gluten in
the diet. However it is definitely ALOT worse when I am consuming
foods with gluten in them.
- A considerable amount of flatulence. This occurs more often when
gluten is not in the diet.
- General consistent tiredness.
- Diarrhea. Strangely enough, this only started occuring alot worse
when gluten was removed from the diet. ALOT worse.

 I have tried alternative medicines, including taking powerfull
probiotics (OMX) which I intend to continue with once I am off the
Antibiotics.  I have also been to a Naturopath to try to work out what
is wrong with me & got nowhere.

And to reiterate, I was perfectly fine 3-4 months ago before having
the stomach virus for a week.  Also yesterday I started reintroducing
gluten in the diet one more time & today I am actually feeling alot
better. Despite the itching around the anus area.

Can anybody offer some advice on what they think I should do??? Any
advice or just general opinions would be very much appreciated.

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