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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 21:48:52 -0700
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(415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
P.O. Box 31
Bolinas CA 94924
email: [log in to unmask]
May, 2001

Globalize Democracy

American arrogance and power is obvious to the rest of the world,
leading to fears of us as a “rogue state”. Under corporate  mind
management , many Americans  believe otherwise. But recent actions give
us  cause to wonder about ourselves.

Chiropractors might lose their minds trying to find a spine in the
Democratic wing of our corporate party. And sanity may be the problem
for the  Republican wing , if its White House crew  is any example. Some

critics think Bush  could use a lobotomy, but it would have to be
performed by a proctologist .

How can we explain the behavior of an administration which barely
managed to gain a minority vote, in a minority turnout, and then acted
as though it had a landslide. And that this imaginary mandate gave it
the power to cancel the wimpy days of Clinton, to return to the  gimpy
days of Reagan.

Given the obvious signs that we use too much energy and suffer private
power monopolies , does the Bush team propose  renewable  energy,
serious conservation, and public power? Silly. We need  to remove
environmental restrictions, desecrate more of the earth with oil wells,
and further unleash private market forces.

Here, the hypocrisy of some environmentalists must be mentioned. They
will tolerate any  abuse , so long as it isn't on their front lawns. The

SUV gas guzzlers reached a market peak under Clinton-Gore, burning
fuel than ever while no new wells were dug in the USA, and they were
silent. The Bushmen at least highlight the hypocrisy of talking
environmental reform at home , while pillaging foreign countries  to
gorge our  commuter-serfs  with cheap gasoline .

Clinton’s soothing double speak put many to sleep  while  he disregarded

the  Kyoto accords. Bush blatantly announced that we would not honor
them, which is exactly what we were doing .This  honesty about our
previously sneaky policy at least woke some  slumbering
environmentalists .

The Bushmen cannot be blamed for our historic institutional racism,
exemplified by the  recent ugliness in  Cincinnati , but they have
leaped backward in areas of civil and human rights. Their conservatism
is more constipated than compassionate, returning to the faith-based
market god revered by the Reaganoids, and removing the  cosmetic
of liberalism  applied to that fundamentalist religion by the

But their worst performance  may be foreign policy . The Clinton clique
was  in charge during the revival of “yellow peril” racism , and the
disgraceful Wen Ho Lee episode. That American  was locked up as an
spy, based on  less evidence than was available to prove Clinton a
perjurer .

But the Bushmen have gone further, stepping up spy flights over Chinese
waters, and having a plane forced down in Chinese territory. This
created a round of devious diplomacy, with China demanding an apology
for our spying, and the USA  seeming to demand an apology from China for

interfering with our  spying.

This schizophrenic saber rattling occurs as we run a massive trade
deficit with that nation. Some capitalists drool over cheap labor and
the vast Chinese market for consumer goods, while others drool over
potential weapons sales to Taiwan . This collective salivation  does
nothing for the world drinking water problem, over which another group
of capitalists wet themselves in  anticipation of marketing  that
natural resource, if they  gain its control through the FTAA .

And the Bushies simply maintain the long running disaster in
Palestine-Israel, where  occupied people in  rebellion are “aggressors”
and settlers on their lands “victims”.  After several hundred
Palestinian deaths,  a  Bush official called Israeli military reaction
“excessive”. Our mind managers said this was harsh criticism . If we cut

ten  dollars  from our  billions in aid  to Israel ,  that might be
called severe punishment.

What are we to think? If the serial killers in Washington are to be
believed, we need more tools for mass murder. Employees of the
industry see danger at every turn, and their  irrational fantasies are
purchased  at our expense and called  “intelligence”.

Americans pay for the world’s lowest military intelligence and highest
military budget , all of it making us less safe and more poor.

Weapons , spies and military personnel do not make a great power. That
should have been learned  in Viet Nam. But we’ve outgrown that
experience;  by learning  the price of imperial  injustice? No, by
devastating the weak nation of Iraq. And that  stupid and sadistic
policy  continues under Bush , even as the wicked leader we supposedly
subdued remains in power.

There was general righteous clucking over another wicked leader ,
recently arrested at our demand,  after we all but obliterated
Yugoslavia for his alleged sins.

Saddam Milosevic, or Slobodan Hussein -confusion is understandable - are

symbols of a foreign policy that is an extension of our domestic policy.

Whether in Cincinnati, Europe, China or Palestine, it is based on brute
force, arrogance, ignorance  and disrespect . This, in a global
environment falling apart under neoliberal rule that strengthens
corporate capital , weakens government and transforms  political
democracy into market fascism.

NAFTA, the WTO and the proposed FTAA  are part of a global capitalist
organization , already more powerful than  most nations  and a major
cause of inequality and suffering . The U.S. operates as  its military
force and seems to rule the world, but our system and leadership show
dangerous signs of breakdown. And all of us, not just foreigners and
poor people, will suffer if that breakdown takes place.

There is a global movement of people thinking more clearly than most
governments, especially ours. It is working to  take control away from
anti-social  profiteers. The problem is a tyrannical collection of
corporate minorities,  often feeble minded in their pursuit of profit.
The solution demands  a global  majority, sound in mind , body and
purpose, and dedicated to democracy and social justice.  And Americans
need to play a role in creating that solution , especially since we are
so much a part of creating the problem.

 Copyright (c) 2001 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

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frank scott
email: [log in to unmask]
225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
(415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791