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Evolutionary Fitness Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tom Bridgeland <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 12 Jul 2003 21:08:23 +0900
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Evolutionary Fitness Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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> Well, here's a mind-blowing book: Michael Boulter's "Extinction:
> Evolution
> and the End of Man"
> Some people will find Boulter's proposition repulsive, so please read
> no
> further if you don't want to have your fundamental beliefs challenged.

Yep, I have no trouble believing that H. Sapiens drove many species to
extinction. There isn't much we can do about that now. The future looks
more and more promising. The wave of mass slaughter that began in the
sixties with the decolonialization of Africa and Asia, and the
subsequent rise of socialist/totalitarian governments in most of those
new countries is about over.

The problem we have now is the greens, who seem to have no appreciation
for the interaction of humans in the ecosystem. Since the sixties
several countries have tried outlawing big game hunting. The result is
always and uniformly atrocious, as the local people turn to poachers to
control big animals and to replace the income they once made off of
hunters. Kenya is the perfect example of a country once overflowing
with big game. Poachers, well connected with the government, have
reduced animals to the point that only a few remnants on the parks,
carefully preserved for camera tourists, survive. Any number of people
can snap a pic of the same herd of elephants, pride of lions. No need
to keep any more alive!

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