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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 15:50:04 -0700
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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
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(415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
P.O. Box 31
Bolinas CA 94924
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July, 2003

Impeach Bush
by frank scott

The danger posed by this court appointed  regime is beyond that of any
recent administration. It needs to be dealt with accordingly, and long
before the 2004 election.

The outrageous lies that gained support for the war on iraq were obvious
to most of the world, and a substantial minority of Americans. Still,
only now are establishment sources  beginning to question those
ridiculous tales.

But it is for that growing minority of Americans to take the offensive
and demand more than investigations from a lap dog congress . The people
must rally, demonstrate and press for impeachment. That may be the only
way to stop these renegade  fanatics, led by an election loser whose
thoughts are in  two  syllables or less.

When asked about global  demonstrations opposing war , this strutting
simpleton likened them to focus groups. But unlike market research
inspired  ad campaigns , which are the outcome of industry financed
focus  groups, these massive citizen expressions  were about democracy.
This growing international force, especially  in the USA , must focus
on that point, to stop the regime from further reducing the world to
global market anarchy , under a godly  despotism it calls liberty.

An emerging majority understands that the real threat of terror comes
from the fundamentalist leadership of the USA. The foreign threat is
being used in its hard-core assault on national freedom , to create its
soft-core form of national fascism . This  menace from the  imperial
center is  greater than that posed by terror  attacks from its
periphery .  Democratically motivated  Americans, however divided by
other issues, must  work through their differences to subdue this
malevolent force.

Small networks, in  coalition, can  overcome larger centralized powers.
The new movements created in part by this regime can defeat empire by
acting like those NGOs which, rather than curry favor from corporate
power,  work to replace it with the power of the people. What terrorism
does, destructively, democracy must  do, constructively. And  with
greater urgency .

This minority cabal  is reducing the world to more hardship  and
despair. Its continued  rule may create dangerous conditions too
critical to overcome. That rule must be ended quickly, and an
impeachment drive may be the best way to speed up the process.

The era of wreaking havoc on the third world  while Americans  go about
their normal lives  ended tragically on 911. But  the  pain inflicted by
eastern  fundamentalism, however great,   pales by comparison to the
terror practiced by western fundamentalism in its dominance of the
world. Our fears should not lead us to accept repression, but  to
understand that we need an entirely different world view and practice
to survive the present, and create a better future. That calls for real
democracy, not the perverted thing that put this cabal into power.

Its foreign policy that treats the world  with arrogance and creates
hatred  where there once was respect, is an extension of its its
domestic policy which continues an assault on   government that forces
the majority to support the private sector. Its pre-depression economic
theology of zealous   faith in an invisible market force  lowers taxes
on the rich while  raising deficits for everyone else.

Public programs  are being savaged by financial policies which lavish
money on those who  have great  wealth,  steal money from those who
create all  wealth , and  deny money to those who have no wealth.

These  Republican fundamentalists  make the gutless Democrats look good
by comparison. They may also make them the choice of desperate voters
who see nowhere else to go on election day. But it may  be possible to
infuse the nearly moribund Democrats with the life of  newer
constituencies, aligned with older ones  which have long tried  to
transform that private limo into a public vehicle .

The leadership fanatics,  and their often innocent followers,  are a
minority. It is for the majority to  understand itself as such, and
organize to take power democratically.  The difficulty of that task is
nothing , compared to watching the world disintegrate before our eyes.
Democracy is all that can transform a reality becoming more  deadly,
with one that can  support  humanity  more justly  than was ever before
possible in  history.

Though there is plenty of  reason for fear ,  this is not a time for
defeatism and despair. The wretched conditions of  life must change; for
those who live in desperate poverty , as well as those clinging to a
debt ridden middle class status only a lost job or serious illness  away
from poverty. That change means the system that treats  all environments
as markets dedicated to profit for minorities , needs to become one that
puts  well being for all before luxury for some. That  would be
history’s first  democracy.

Long term steps in that direction  must include ending the
anti-democratic electoral college and initiating  public financing of
elections , as well as proportional representation and instant runoff
voting. These moves would truly count all voters and allocate power
according to majority votes, not minority dollars. Only then could
issues be decided  democratically, and not autocratically.

The ultimate focus must be on uncontrolled capital, which is the root
cause of most of our problems . Whether  destroying nature or the social
structure, it is this political economic religion which has brought us
to the present condition. The movement for democracy needs to deal with
this , even as it confronts single issues which seem more important for
the moment. Sooner, and not much later, human survival will depend on
transforming antisocial capitalism into social humanism.

But for the present, democracy in America can best be exercised by
moving to settle matters of the presidency, without waiting for the
election of 2004. This demented regime needs to be  disarmed, now.
Whether  a movement to impeach is technically successful or not, it will
impede the march toward oblivion , and give people a chance to create a
democratic government in 2004.  Impeach Bush, now.

Copyright (c) 2003 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

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frank scott
email: [log in to unmask]
225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
(415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791