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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Linda McCarty <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 15:47:39 -0500
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Linda McCarty <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Before I start, guys out there, I apologize for this female topic and if
you want you can just delete it nowo, but I need answers.  

My daughter is 12 years old and a Celiac.  She has been on the
gluten-free diet for a little over 1 year.  She has not had her period
yet.  She has had severe abdominal pain in her abdomin (area around her
belly button) since Feb. 3rd sometimes it is on her right side also and
sometimes also the left but mainly the abdomin and right side. and has
been unable to attend school because the pain is sooooooo severe.   The
pain she is having now she says is NOT her "gluten" pain.  She was in
the hospital 2 years ago before being Celiac diagnosed with vomiting and
severe abdominal pain.  She says that is NOT the same pain.  She has
been vomiting every couple of days.  She has a low grade fever off and
on of about 99.5, which I am told could be from the pain.  We went to a
new GI who put her on (3) different nerve blocking medicines (not at the
same time), which did NOTHING for the pain.  They did a Barium swallow
on Monday, March 4th, to check for Crohn's or blocked appendix.  It came
out Negative.  We were in the emergency room on Friday and had a
sonogram done of her ovaries to make sure there was no cysts and make
sure there was no blood build up in her vagina - that was Negative.

I've tried the following to help with the pain (the pain is so severe at
night she can barely sleep - I've been giving her Benadryl to sleep):
Advil, Motrin, Mylanta, Midol for Cramps, Orudis KT, Mylanta, Zantac,
etc.  NONE have helped with the pain.  Here's my guesses now and if
anyone has any suggestions or comments to make, PLEASE help me!!!

1.  Is this pain something to do with pre-menstrual and maybe it will go
away when she gets her period (I know a long shot)?
2.  I've been reading about endometriosis and it is predominant in
people with autoimmune diseases.  Does anyone have any experience with
endometriosis?  I would be especially interested in stories about
teenager with it?  If yes to having painful endometriosis - anything I
can try to see if it helps with the pain? How did you get diagnoised and
at what age?  Does anyone know anything about the CA-125 blood test?
Does anyone know about Vitex or Chasteberry?
3.  Any other tests I should suggest from a new pediatric GI or any
other doctor?
4.  Any other ideas?

I will Summarize!

Thanks from a desperate Mom, looking for answers!!!!!

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