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Chris Silker <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 14:46:07 -0500
text/plain (92 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks for all the tips and great ideas! Now if it actually stays warm and
dry enough that I want to eat frozen treats, I will give some of them a try.

Chris Silker
Minneapolis MN


Good sorbet recipes at


You did not say how big your machine was. I have one that says it holds 1
1/2 quarts but you only use 16 oz of liquid because it aerates it and it makes
more than the 16 oz.
1/4 cup of Dari Free with 16 oz of water or same amt of rice milk or soy milk.
1 envelope of Knox plain gelatin
Sugar or sweetener, I use either stevia or sugar twin enough for 16 oz.
Take 1/2 cup of liquid and put in pyrex cup with the gelatin and heat in
microwave for 30 seconds. Put all liquid in blender and add gelatin mixture
along with crushed ice cubes. Add any flavoring or fruit that you want cut
up. Blend. Put mixture into ice cream maker. It takes about 1/2 hr to
thicken up. You can put in 1/2 tspn of xanthan gum or guar gum to thicken
it up. OR, you can use a tablespoon of soy granules instead but not with
the other. Use your imagination for the flavors whatever you can have, any
fruits, vanilla, chips, coffee/mocha, maple, peach, strawberry, blueberry,
cherry, any fruityou are not allergic to. This is both g/f and casein free.


There are so many ice cream recipes out there....check our Foodtv.com,
Epicurious.com, etc and sub goat's milk, soy milk etc for the milk/cream in
recipe. Likewise, look up basic recipe for sorbet. I seem to remember a
good recipe book came with my Donvier..


I have had good luck using Lactaid milk, pudding mix, cool whip or the
Dari-free beverage. Just about anything will do.


i have the cuisinart (la glaciere) but i use it ALL the time. look for Chez
Panisse Desserts cookbook --- she has a ton of great ice cream recipes and
sorbets. most of the ice cream is very french (lotta egg yolks) but super
delicious. i love bringing over homemade ice cream to a dinner party
because i know it is gluten free and it's some unusual flavor that i
created like cardamom-almond or chai or green tea or whatever. the
nytimes.com living page has an archive of recipes including a french based
(creme anglaise --> french vanilla ice cream) that they do variations on
(peach / strawberry) and some chocolate and caramel sauces (all seemed
gluten free -- only vanilla bean etc.)


I keep the freezer part in the freezer at all times, ready for that spur of
the moment treat- we add the ingredients at dinner, and pass the donvier
around and turn the handle every few minutes while we eat, then our treat
is ready for dessert. I NEVER use the recipe book- I always make my own
treats based on what fruit is in season and what is in the house. Two Faves
are: put watermelon and strawberries in the blender, and puree. Squeeze
some fresh lemon juice on. Donvier it! ( I also do this with nectarines or
peaches) 2) with a fork mash banana into plain or vanilla or other yoghurt.
Add vanilla if desired- extra because when frozen the vanilla flavor is not
as strong. Little lumps of banana remain to give it texture. Donvier it and
you are done. Any fruit you have that may be a day old for eating whole,
but is still good, can be made into a lovely ice. You could addhoney or
sugar to taste too.


I have a Cuisinart ice cream maker, I don't know how it differs from the
Donvier one but here is a strawberry/rasberry sorbet I love.
2 c. sugar
2 c. water
12 oz. frozen strawberries or rasberries (refrigerated actually works fine)
4 t. lemon juice
Cook the sugar and water over medium high heat until the sugar has
completely dissolved (approximately 10 minutes, mixture should be perfectly
clear, not hazy at all), Let cool completely! I usually cheat by taking the
pan I cooked the sugar mixture in and sitting it in an ice filled sink so
that it cools faster.
While the sugar mixture cools, put the strawberries or rasberries with the
lemon juice into a blender or food processor and puree. Mix the cooled
sugar mixture with the berry mixture and pour it into the already turning
ice cream maker. Transfer to a plastic container after 20 - 30 minutes and
let harden. I can usually serve it in another 30 - 45 minutes, but I don't
know how cold your freezer is.