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Sat, 6 May 2000 22:48:45 -0700
Roger Buckmann <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello everyone,

I stumbled onto this list while looking for info on food allergies and
ADD/ADHD for a friend and realized that my husband who has been
suffering with a sever rash on his hand actually has DH and therefore
must be a Celiac. I subscribed to this list so that I can learn more
about this for him and he plans to get tested once we are settled after
our impending move in July.

I have also been suffering with an abdominal pain for about two yrs now,
most of this time it has just been occasional and intermittent... then
in Dec it became chronic .... it is on my right side kind of
perpendicular to my hip bone .... I've been to the doctor and had a
colonoscopy .... which turned out fine ... he said perhaps I probably
had Irritable Bowl Syndrome ... and that certain foods where to blame
.... and get this, when I asked what foods I should avoid he said I
should probably check out the internet that I could probably learn more
there ..... I'm a military dependent ... that's socialized medicine for
you :-) (that was before I discovered this list)

After reading several posts mentioning abdominal pain I am now wondering
if I also might be a Celiac ... but I don't seem to have the other
symptoms many seem to have so I am wondering if I'm just grasping at
straws or thinking of Celiac to much these days ....

The only thing I could add is that I have always been constipated ...
that was just "normal" to me ... after the colonoscopy my bowl habits
haven't been the same ... they are much looser, not diarrhea, and float
... the pain increases with gas but seldom goes away completely or for
long ... I did have a blistery (but very small) rash in the late 80's on
a finger for a few months that fit the description of DH but it went a

So ... do these symptoms sound familiar to you all or have I been
concentrating on this Celiac business for my husband to much and am now
trying to blanket myself with it? I plan on making an appointment and
talking with the doctor about this regardless but would be interested in
further input from you folks.

Also, Thank you all who replied to my earlier post asking about the
Bread Machine, I will be posting my summary in the next few days.
Dona J. Buckmann