<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you to all 48 respondents to the above subject. I really appreciate
your input.

Regarding the statement "If a molecule [of gliadin) causes as much damage as
10,000, why bother....etc.," 49% of the respondents said they did not
believe that statement was true.

Also, 75% of the respondents said to continue with the diet even though there
is a chance of contamination or accidental exposure at some point in time.

Four respondents said they wondered, "Why bother?", if you can't be assured
of being 100% GF. Three respondents said that it is absolutely
possible to be GF, if you stick with the basics and make all foods from
scratch and don't eat out or use processed foods. One person said that
"not gluten free" means death.

For the most part, your responses have been very encouraging. I will continue
with the diet for my daughter and do the best I can to keep her GF. She has
been so receptive and has not complained. Fortunately, she has always been a
great eater; there is nothing she won't eat.

Below are just a few of the responses:

I know I am accidentally ingesting gluten and my health is 100% improved
from a year ago.

You can't really judge the severity of the condition by the symptoms. I
agree that being 100% gf is next to impossible....limit exposure...fight for
better labeling....write to senators, congressmen, food manufacturers....

....Avoid.....day-in, day-out ingestion of questionable items.....

Because I feel soooo much better than when I ate gluten. That is why.

Don't waste your life trying to find the GF substitutes, feed your daughter
stuff she CAN eat .......

You have to try. The alternative is that her small intestine could be damaged
severely. Please help your daughter!!!

But it is hardly credible that 1 molecule or 10,000 molecules of gliadin
could have any measurable effect on the coeliac gut. Indeed, 10,000 molecules
of gliadin equate approximately to a millionth of a millionth of
a milligram and if we started to worry about that, we have created for
ourselves an unnecessary nightmare.

Joan, you are absolutely right that being 100% gluten free is impossible....
....The fact is, with every breath each one of us draws in several molecules
of every toxin known to man, from arsenic to dioxin to plutonium. We don't
all immediately die because molecules are extremely small, and every toxin
has a dose-response characteristic -that is, it takes some minimum amount
to  have a significant effect. Below some level, the risk is not worth
worrying about.

.....asymptomatic celiacs .....are just as likely to get ill effects from not
following a GF diet as are people with many symptoms.

You're right:  to take it to that level, molecule-wise, it's impossible.
Especially if you want to live a "normal" life.........You need to find your
own level of comfort for yourself and your child.

To follow a gluten free diet is not impossible......change to raw ingredient
cooking, packaging
and preparation.

If you and your child are taking reasonable precautions, she will be fine.

You are so right......here in the UK we have 39,000 biopsy diagnosed coeliacs
in the CS.  They more-or-less all eat small amounts of gluten daily, as tiny
amounts are permitted (my estimate is from 5 - 50 milligrams per day - 1 oz.
is 28.35 grams).  Even with the BIG molecules we are talking of, that is a
lot more than one molecule!

Again, thanks to all of you for your comments. Good health in the New Year
