<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmembers,
  I would very much like the opinion of some people and if there are any
doctors on this list what they think.

  I have suffered seven years with severe symptoms. When I found the Celiac
information it read like my medical chart.  I have severe digestive problems
I cannot eat anything. I was diagnosed with rapid gastric emptying (10 minute
interval dumping vs. normal of over an hour), I had 0 gall bladder
contractibility and it took 3 years to get that taken out. I am weak, and
dysfunctional most of the time. The pain in stomach radiates into my back so
much that I cannot sleep all night, the pain under my ribs feels like I have
had numerous knife wounds under them and I cant breath for the pain. This
started with the death of my sister and the pregnancy of my 4th child.

  Now I went off of wheat on Sept 11, but before that I had a diet since June
or so that I was almost completely wheat free as I could eat almost nothing.
I survived on oatmeal and steamed well cook vegetables.  During the summer
August 10th my birthday, I had surgery to open up my bile ducts, pancreatic
and common. They had shut down by the spasm, this is what causes the pain in
my back and under my ribs. I felt better after the surgery once I got over a
bout with pancreatitis.  I started to feel better and work out everyday but
as always then I start getting hungry and since I am feeling normal again I
eat "real-food" and get sick again. I then went to Austria for 10 days with
my husband, low and behold I got sicker everyday eating normal food, I
brought oat meal with me but just could not find a way to cook it at the
hotel and started eating bread and coffee. By the time we came home I was
deathly ill again. But while we were there my husband was lecturing at an
alternative medicine conference and the physicians there led me to start
thinking I had celiac disease. Lewis (my husband a doctor) had done one test
for wheat/gluten and I had not tested positive so he had not followed up on

  Well, I went off of wheat and dairy religiously when I got back from
Europe.  I went through what seemed like a withdrawal period, the pain in my
back and under my ribs was not bothering me but I felts severe cramping and
other pain that I can only describe as what someone might feel as withdrawal
symptoms. Once they were gone I felt great for the first time in 7 years I
was pain free. Right about that time I did the blood tests and they were
negative to gluten sensitivity. I spent a week feeling great then set up to
have a biopsy done. One week before the biopsy I went back on wheat, I ate a
wheat bagel with tofu spread, I became violently ill with the pain like
broken glass under my ribs so bad I could not lay down and sleep all  night
and that was "with" pain medication. It took me 36 hours to stop the pain and
42 to feel back to normal again. I decided not to go back on wheat for the
biopsy. It came back negative. So what can I do now.?  I wanted to try to
locate that test that was posted on this list, called the "transgluten tissue
test" (I think?) but I cannot remember the right name or find out more about
it. Any suggestions, about the test and whether folks think that I am Celiac?

 I have been feeling very well and pain free and my energy is amazing, my
husband says he has not seen me like this in 7 years. I had a bad experience
with the biopsy as I had the flu and was quite run down and the doctor found
yeast in my esophagus, which traveled into my stomach/intestines and I got a
terrible yeast infection. I ended up taking meds to stop the Yeast infection
but suffered terrible pain and bloating, but once I got over that I have been
fine, healthy even!!! . I will keep off of wheat, gluten, dairy ( I tested
highly allergic to dairy by Elisa test). But it sure would be nice to have a

thanks for anyone's opinions or help
happy holidays
morgaine mehl madrona