<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone!  There must be lots of hot cocoa lovers out there as the
responses were great and plentiful!  Here's a summary:

*Carnation (Nestle USA  1-800-637-8534)
GF flavors--Fat free rich chocolate cocoa, fat free marshmallow, no
sugar added, marshmallow madness, rich chocolate with marshmallow,
double chocolate meltdown (this got a separate vote for kids!) , milk
chocolate cocoa, and french vanilla.  ok for USA verified this month

*Many suggestions to make hot cocoa with Hershey's baking cocoa (GF).
Someone even suggested cocoa with soy milk for those who are lactose
intolerant.  Also those who made their own liked having control on
sugar, preservatives, and cost (cheaper!). Here's a recipe kindly shared
you may like(sounds wonderful!!!)

I make my own:
1/4 to 1/3 cup dutch process or regular cocoa (Hershey's is GF)
2 c. of powdered milk (can sub. powdered goat's milk, or a soy milk sub.)
1 c. (or to taste)  powdered sugar
dash of salt.

mix all-- use about 2 heaping teaspoons (or to taste) in 6 oz. or so of
boiling water.


Jazz it up with the following mixed into the mix, or added to your mug:
Cinnamon., GF liquor (add to mug only, of course), Cook's vanilla powder
(GF!), and/or sub.  a flovored gluten free non-dairy creamer for part of
the milk-- really makes it creamy (since powdered cow milk is skim-- )

Or, leave the powdered milk for a low-fat choc.  fix.  I really enjoy
making my own mix and have been known to make my own hot chocolate from
SCRATCH- melting the chocolate, heating the milk, etc.  Ordinary cocoa can
be "fluffed" up by blending it in the blender a bit- gives it a frothy
cappuccino type mouth-feel.

*all Swiss Miss varieties are GF per call 12/21/99(made by Hunt
Wesson--714-680-1431 can call collect for product info. Don't send out
info as it can change but they say to feel free to call collect for
current info.) S Miss Premier was suggested as a great flavor to try!

*We have Ah!Laska which we just verified IS GF & Dairy-free too. (Miss

*Krogers cocoa mix in packets is gf--verified a few months ago

*"Nesquick" is good and gfLand O Lakes brands are okay, have not
checked very recently though.

*I've been enjoying Ghiradelli Hot Chocolate, you have to add milk but
everything is gf.

Thanks everyone for the great info!  I'll raise my cocoa cup to you
all.  Thanks for the ideas so those who are lactose intolerant can share
in this too! You're wonderful!  Happy Holidays to everyone!