<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, I am the youngest of 5 children and I am the only one with diagnosed
celiac disease.  The other 4 have stomach problems along with my mother but
nobody ever gets tested.  The next oldest the 4th born, is my sister Susan
who is 35.  She gave birth 8 months ago and has a little boy.  Her baby has
had a lot of dry skin rashes (since birth) and "it's just a virus" type
comments from her regular pediatrician.  She introduced Oatmeal last week
and he vomited eight times in one day.  No more oatmeal, no more stomach
problems.  She fears he may have celiac but does not know what test should
be done for guaranteed correct diagnosis.  I told her that when I was
diagnosed it was from an endoscopy down my throat and they scraped the inner
lining of my intestine to determine what I had.  Could an allergist
determine this or does she need to see a GI Pediatrician?  His stools have
not been right for the past two months (that is when she stopped breast
feeding).  We don't want to jump to any conclusions but she is an RN and is
very concerned.  I told her all I could do is see what the people on my list
thought about it.  I told her maybe an allergist would be an option, and NO
MORE OATMEAL.  They said it may be he is allergic to the formula?  They
discussed possibly changing his fornula to a soy based.  Any helpful
thought, etc. would be appreciated.  Thank you in advance to everyone.

Sincerely, a worried Aunt Tara @ [log in to unmask]