On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> I have had the weirdest "stomach flu" kind of like a very mild tourista but
> with no diarrhea, just queasiness, and very tired.
> My neighbor on SAD just got over it, it lasted a week with her. So I feel
> it's not a paleo thing, what could this be, any ideas, does anyone know??
> I'm never sick since paleo.

I just got over the same thing.  I don't think that paleo dieting is going to
prevent every disesase in me -- it certainly didn't prevent every disease in
paleolithic people, expecially pathgenic illness (remember, the viruses and
bacteria are also competing for precious resources!).  The diet seems to have
dramatically reduced the number and length of colds and stuff I do get.  Since
paleo I've only had one infection (this one I'm talking about) in the last year
as opposed to my usual 4-6 colds/flus a year.  Big improvement!
