On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Hmmm, I've been contemplating this for a day or two.  According to Cordain
> and others, up to 1/3 of the h/g diet was carbs in the form of fruits &

Yes, I need to check this -- but 1/3?  Is that weight, volume, or energy?  I
think this has been answered -- but I forgot.  I'll do a search, but if someone
knows the answer of my next question (below) then maybe you can throw this one
in for free :)

> vegetables.  BUT!  Wouldn't these carbs be mostly fiber?  Actually, we
> already know this is the case; agriculture has created fruits and vegetables
> both larger in size and lower in fiber than wild fruits and vegetables.  I'm
> sure most of us are familiar with the routine; if counting your carbs (for
> whatever reason, but usually to lose weight), subtract the fiber count from
> the whole carb count, as fiber doesn't count.  Rather, fiber carbs are good,
> starch carbs are bad.  So, while the overall carb count may have been "up
> there" (according to, say, Atkins), the 'bad' carb count was still pretty
> low.  No real point here, just something I found interesting.

Yes, i have this exact same question.  Is there someone of great wisdom who can
answer it?  The question is, as I see it, what is the makeup of the
carbohydrate foods eaten by paleo people?  By makeup I mean simple
carbohydrates (sugar, including fruit sugar), complex carbohydrates, and fiber?

Can't we tell?  I mean, just because we have created new plants with
agriculture shouldn't mean that the old plants that used to be eaten have ceased
to exist??

 > Then again, maybe this will make it clear why people like myself
and Michael > Audette put fruit in the occasional-treat category.  And why
someone with an > insulin problem must stick with very low-carb vegetables and
even then watch > the overall carb intake.  Think about it; the same amount of
fruits & > vegetables it takes to get, say 30 grams total-count-minus-fiber
carbs is a > mere fraction, size-wise, of what our anchient cousins ate in a
day. >
> Dori Zook
> Denver, CO
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