On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> > Whole Foods Market sells tuna in a can.  That's it,
> > tuna, plus a can.  Oh, and
> > some water.  No salt, no soy, no hydrologized
> > vegetable protein, no other crap,
> > just tuna, water, and the can.  Cheap too, relative
> > to other tuna/water/can you
> > can buy.
> >
> > Erik
> >
> Erik, is Whole Foods Market a 'local' market or a
> chain? Do they have a web presence?

        I think you can buy the tuna over the web.  I looked at their web site
to see where other whole foods markets are -- I know that they are a chain.  I
think they go by several names.  Start with www.wholefoods.com I think you will
be able to find what you are looking for there.
