Sorry for my naivety.  Just because I have access to hunting and fishing,
surely does not mean everyone else would too.


For Mary, as far as a great place to move for a paleo friendly area, if
you are in the US, and want to move to the western area... I would
consider Oregon State.  They have regulated hunting, fantastic salmon
fishing, and is very beautiful.  I live in Central California and visit
Oregon once a year for the Salmon.


On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 06:41:36 -0800 Mary <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Dear Christy, have you thought of moving here? And what about moving
> to a
> place like where jean claude lives? Or another paleo colony? It
> would be
> nice to have a paleo community open to all diverse groups but
> sharing the
> value of eating paleo foods. I am looking to relocate within the
> next year
> and am looking for such a place in a Western state, does anyone have
> any
> suggestions? Mary
> .
> >
> >Not everyone lives in a large country with game still wondering
> about. I
> >guess a vast majority of the members of this list might be so lucky
> as
> >to have that possibility.
> >But the Netherlands are not the kind of place where you can go
> hunting.
> >Fishing yes, but eating it is not recommended due to the pollution.
> >16 Million people in a country the size of half a small state does
> that
> >to you ;-)
> >Still, thanks for thinking with me.
> >
> >Christy
> >
> >