Excuse my naivety,  but what are NightShades?
Also the mention of sweet potatoes being borderline pale.  I do enjoy
sweet potatoes,  is that something i could add back in slowly after the
weight loss? Winter squash as in zucchini or yellow squashes?  I usually
like it dip zuc's in mayo or boil and mash with butter.  In place of
mashed potatoes, *boiled cauliflower works too*

On Mon, 27 Dec 1999 22:21:47 -0700 Lynnet Bannion <[log in to unmask]>
> Lauri Light wrote:
> > 1. Do I really need to avoid nightshades? From a paleo perspective
>  Sweet > potatoes and winter squash are borderline paleo ( a subject of
occasional > discussion on this list).