It is illegal to sell hunted meats.  Especially from out of the country.
The US looks at it as poaching.  However, if anyone lives near a Trader
Joes, they do sell caribou, emu and buffalo meats.

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 12:11:20 -0800 Nita Stull <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> what does U.S. law say about selling,
> giving away, or trading hunted meat?  Does anyone know?
> I spoke with a co-worker who hunts yesterday.  He informed me that
> it is illegal
> to hunt and then sell what you've brought back.    However,
> participating in a
> hunting club, he does trade his kills (for smoked items) and he is
> generous with
> his catches.
> He recommended that if I'm interested in game meat to seek out
> places where it's
> processed at the request of hunters.
> He also informed me to not expect to find "wild" game meat at legal
> resellers.