Thank you for providing this service for us wackos with no time or business playing with our computers.

I have a AMT, Advanced Micro Technologies computer that I got cheap/used. It has no manual or documentation.I would like to put a faster chip in it and hard drive.

I have found the following numbers on the mother board, GMB-P54-IPS-V0. The opening screen says 9/13/95 Triton 2A59CD1IC-00. Award Bios V4.50PG 50-0102-2A59CD1I-V1.02

I was given a 200Mhz pentium chip for it, but it will only run at 133Mhz?

I was given a 4. something hard drive that I'm afraid to put in it yet. How do you transfer data with out losing it?

Any help or direction will be appreciated.


Duane Richardson
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