I have a P2-350,96 SDRAM,32x CD,TNT2 32MB 2x AGP w/ Monster II 3D 8MB,Sonic
Impact S90,US Robotics 3com 56K (Upgrading to Cable).

Most of my games run fine but I really want a fast system what would be a
good upgrade?  I was thinking of this 500Mhz Celeron (which I'm sure I could
OC?).  Would it fit in my motherboard (I think it's a 440bx type),it cost
about $120.

What about these coppermines?  Is installing a processor difficult?   I've
installed a Monster II 3D card,Modems,and Sound Cards,printers,no problem.
I would really like to over clock,is this difficult?  I need more info if
anyone could provide it.

-Matt Deal

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