>O  There is no reason whatsoever to hurt an infant by
> > cutting
> > off the foreskin.  Think what that must do psychologically to a
> > helpless
> > infant.  They do feel the pain.

Although I agree that automatically circumcise infants is useless, I think
it's not a reason to condone the procedure altogether.

4 men in my family were not circumcised at birth, and then suffered from
infections much later (2 in their teens, one in his thirties, and one at 54)
I doubt all this was caused by a general lack of proper hygiene!

They all had to be circumcised when the problems appeared. Although I wonder
if this was the only way to go, I cannot deny that it rapidly corrected the

As for the pain, being circumcised at 54 probably hurts equally, if not
more, than doing it while being a baby (if you add the various discomfort of
not having sex and being way more active than a babe).

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