> > I
> > now eat only once a day
> > (somehow it feels more natural to me to eat one big
> > meal... any thoughts on
> > this?)
>I've often thought the most logical would be to snack
>(healthfully!) throughout the day and have one large
>prepared meal in the evening. Not only does this mimic
>the activity patterns of most people (eating on the
>run), I believe it lends itself to *not* overeating.
>(Plus, it mimics the eating patterns of many primitive
>societies. Not all of them, however).

This is interesting, since it is contrary to most mainstream dietetist's
advice: putting the emphasis on having a large breakfast, then having
lighter meals as the day goes on. Also the idea of NOT having a big meal in
the evening. I certainly never was able to live that way.
Anyway, the 3 square meals/day is obviously dictated by society mores more
than any real hunger pattern.


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