
I am glad to hear about your son being off medication.  I think so many
ailments that individuals think must be lived with could be helped or
eliminated by eliminating some or all of the foods that we as paleo eaters
do.  I plan to give Ray's new book to my aunt for Christmas.  She has had
problems with diabetes all her life, and seems to be open minded.  Even as
important as this WOL itself is the willingness to question conventional
wisdom.  Also, sharing this diet incrementally may work.  When I started
this, my wife (then girlfriend) tried it and failed miserably - she was
paleo only in my presence.  Since then, though, she has noticed how certain
food affect her.  She came to the realization yesterday that sugar and
potato chips give her brain fog.  This is very bad for a student, and I
think she will eliminate them, as she recently did with caffeine.  I bet
that by our fifth anniversary, she will be just as paleo as I am.  This is
important to me not only for her health, but because she will be the mother
of my children.  So what if she couldn't do it all to begin with - if she
quits just sugar and grain, it will be a huge benefit to her health, as well
as the health of our children.  When I want to share this WOL with someone I
know won't buy the whole thing, I suggest eliminating grains, and sometimes,
it gets them started.


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