Hmmm, I've been contemplating this for a day or two.  According to Cordain
and others, up to 1/3 of the h/g diet was carbs in the form of fruits &
vegetables.  BUT!  Wouldn't these carbs be mostly fiber?  Actually, we
already know this is the case; agriculture has created fruits and vegetables
both larger in size and lower in fiber than wild fruits and vegetables.  I'm
sure most of us are familiar with the routine; if counting your carbs (for
whatever reason, but usually to lose weight), subtract the fiber count from
the whole carb count, as fiber doesn't count.  Rather, fiber carbs are good,
starch carbs are bad.  So, while the overall carb count may have been "up
there" (according to, say, Atkins), the 'bad' carb count was still pretty
low.  No real point here, just something I found interesting.

Then again, maybe this will make it clear why people like myself and Michael
Audette put fruit in the occasional-treat category.  And why someone with an
insulin problem must stick with very low-carb vegetables and even then watch
the overall carb intake.  Think about it; the same amount of fruits &
vegetables it takes to get, say 30 grams total-count-minus-fiber carbs is a
mere fraction, size-wise, of what our anchient cousins ate in a day.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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