Hi -

Someone just suggested I look at the link http://www.hallpublications.com.
It contains some interesting-seeming information on food allergies and
intolerances, in the form of a book you can buy.  The author is Janice
Vickerstaff Joneja, PhD.  The publisher's comments say:

This book is the only publication of its kind to successfully bridge the gap between
                    scientific knowledge and practical application. The methods utilized in the book
                    have been scientifically tested and proven successful on over 1,800 clinic patients of
                    the Allergy Nutrition Program at the Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences
                    Centre, a major referral, teaching and research hospital located at Vancouver,
                    British Columbia, Canada.

Does anyone on this list have any familiarity with the book, the author, or
the program at Vancouver Hospital?  I'd love some feedback before I try to
purchase the book, or recommend it on my web site.

--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic