so right you are. the stupid questions are not normally from innocent little
folk. i am not nearly as genteel  with adults, but, i do try to percieve
their intentions and if i know there are good intentions, even  , even a
dumb question does not get quite as rough an answer.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trisha Cummings [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 9:27 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: Disabled comics
> Hi Ken,
> > for little children i say "when i was a baby, i got my head hurt" they
> are
> > not looking for a medicle disertation. and natrual curiosity is not
> > rudeness. the woman who wrote was the one being rude in my point of
> view.
> > sorry if that person is reading the post, but, that is my opinion.
>     Unless you are a perfect cookie cutter person - anything other than
> run
> of the mill norm gets attention - people always want to know why your not
> mundane like them. I think there are two fields of questions here - ones
> which allow one to educate people and hopefully make disability or other
> than "cookie cutter perfect" a normal way to be. We answer these to the
> level of the person's understanding. When Amber was little and people ask
> about her bright blue AFO - ( children usually) - I would say - Amber
> needs
> it to help her walk the way I need my glasses to help me see. I have
> pointed
> out repeatedly there are no perfect people - some "imperfections" are
> simply
> more visible than other. Completely stupid questions about ridiculous
> things
> deserve answer commensurate with their stupidity. I field endless comments
> on my height - being a whopping 4'10 inches and pale blonde - these two
> items just reach up and grab people attention and requires endless stupid
> comments -
> Gee you're short -                      My feet touch feet touch the floor
> just like yours.
> Isn't it hard being that short ?      I have no idea I have never been
> taller.
> Why are you so short?               I quit growing at 4'10". DUHHHHH!!
> Is it real ( my hair)                    No, I bought at Astro-Fur, a
> division of Astro-Turf
> And then when people find out I am an import - yet have no obvious German
> accent - they demand to why I don't have accent.  You can not win!! There
> is
> nothing wrong with any of us - other than we don't fit someones idea of
> the
> way its suppose to - so lets expand their idea of how its suppose to be.
> And
> lets remember we too come with our own preconceived notions and ask some
> stupid questions and make some stupid comments, too.
>                                               Brightest Blessings
>                                                  Trisha