<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received several replies to my post about the origin of canola.   Two
people said they believe they get a reaction to Canola.  The others agree
that it is gf.

"I agree with you."

"You are bring logic to bear where emotion frequently rules.
Just because science backs your position, it doesn't mean that all of the
people on this list will believe you.
Thanks for a good explanation of canola oil."

"I'm glad you wrote your letter on canola oil; I use it all of the time, and
I use canola oil margarine as well. When I was small my mother raised
she fed them rape seed, and I am familiar with them. They are hard to

"I can't say whether or not Canola has gluten in it, but I can assure you
that many celiacs are sensitive to it.
I kept noticing that I had a slight reaction only after eating dinner at
home in the evenings .......stopped using Canola.  No more reactions in the

"I agree with you.  I have cd and have never had a reaction to canola oil.
In fact, that's all I ever use."

So, as usual, the moral is:  Check it out for yourself.   Many celiacs
appear to have additional sensitivities to foods that may not contain
