<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The Celiac Support Group Meeting of Central Massachusetts
invites you to participate in a Gluten Free Cookie Swap

Saturday  December 11, 1999
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm to be held at

Fallon Lifetime Center from Family Health
630 A   Plantation Street       Worcester MA

Admission Fee:
Two dozen Homemade Gluten Free Cookies (please bring a copy of your
recipe)  OR if you choose not to bake $5.00 to participate

Significant others welcome

Please RSVP (phone numbers listed below) by December 1 and let us know if
you will be baking or buying


Newcomers' Support:
Having difficulty adjusting to a GF lifestyle?
Struggling with GF food choices?
Join us for an informal gathering to exchange ideas and aswer questions,
your choice either an evening or morning meeting.

Evening meeting Tuesday January 11, 2000   5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Morning meeting  Monday  January 24, 2000   9:30 am - 11:00 am
Signigicant others also welcome at these meetings

RSVP for the Cookie Swap or Newcomers' meetings (508) 852-6175
of 1(800) 891-2300