Okay, I couldn't resist posting today!  Check this out!  It was in TIME  Boy, the writers
really got descriptive in the ways they raked Atkins and others over the coals.  (A little
over-done on the adjectives if you ask me!)

Some of the critics say (of the Zone and other low-carb/non-grain-pyramid scheme diet
plans) *....this diet can be boring..."  We've heard that tired refrain tooo many times.
If you ask me, boring is a state of mind.  We didn't find a macrobiotic diet boring when
we ate that way, nor the Zone Diet, nor is a Paleo diet inherently boring.  It's all in
how you do it....and your attitude and sense of adventure and culinary imagination!

When I hear that someone says it must be boring to eat this way (or to not eat doughnuts,
pasta, bread, or whatever the person's craze is) I wonder, * What do they expect of their
food to do?*  Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight? Bring them Saturday
Night Live?

I mean foods is supposed to nourish us first....it can be and is a pleasure to eat
but what makes bread, pasta, artificially colored crackers, cookies, or cold cereal more
entertaining than a big juicy steak with a stir fried vegetable medley or a side of steak
tartare or grilled chicken breasts with a crisp Caesar salad (sans croutons!) and some
ripe, ruby red grapes for dessert?

Maybe its the fact that sexy actors and actresses don't promote these foods (meat leaves
no mustache!) ??? Maybe it's that they don't pop out of a box?  There's no paper to strip
off?  (I'd better stop now.)  Oh, well, that's entertainment!

Okay, back to serious work!
Rachel :-)