>I've been on this diet for a month now (lost 12.5 lbs.) and was diagnosed
>yesterday to have rather painful gall stones. Has this happened to anyone
>while on this diet? Has anyone noticed problems digesting animal fat after
>their gall bladder has been removed?

     There is for sure other solutions than surgery to get rid of gall stone .
     don't have specific knowledge of those therapies  but  i read some stuff
     about it from peoples who have been able to cleanse their gall bladder.
     stones. please  get an other opinion  ( from other kind of " therapies "
     before doing an irreversible operation .
     Sorry  to not be of better help.

I recall hearing something about 3 tbs of olive oil....but then I know that
      raises additional questions regarding how paleo is it, etc.....

Does this sound familiar to anyone?
