I agree. Simply stated, my basic claim is that following these 2 principles
one can achive what one would call a
"natural bodybuilder look", including the whole "six-pack abs" thing:
   * a paleodiet
   * a progressive weight training program

On Fri, 5 Nov 1999 07:45:31 -0400, matesz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> ...
>Progressively increasing the weights lifted will give you more FAT BURNING FURNACES and a
>more pleasing shape (naked or clothed!!).  Getting stronger and gaining muscle is THE way
>to go (with a good diet) if you want to lose fat for life and be trim--even if you never
>plan to set food on a stage in a teeny bikini or tiny posing trunks.
>Okay, off my soap box!