At 07:37 1999-11-30 -0500, Todd wrote:

>Cows don't wait until the seeds are ripe before eating the

Of course not, but the time avilable each year for eating seeds is short,
partly due to the fact that the seeds fall off.

>I don't think it works to
>say that a protein is non-foreign in small amounts but foreign in
>large amounts.

I agree on that. But according to Cordains "Cereal grains, the double..."
for humans (or probably rather rats or mice) there is an amount factor
involved via the lectins that open up a pathway through the gut walls,
and make possible the foreign protein to enter. And certain amounts of
lectins are needed for this to happen.
The foreign protein question will probaly have to wait quite a time
for a good answer. In the meantime I am going to avoid suspected foods
but I will eat some grainfed animals (those species where there is no
choice, chicken (and eggs) for example).

- Hans