I have Cerebral palsy, spastic, quadriplegia, have a speech impairment, I
use a electric wheelchair.

I have something to share and was wondering if any of you had gone
through the same thing.  I was engaged, he verbally abused me.  Also, my
dad hasn't been the greatest nuteror.  This affected me so much that I
thought that was the way I was supposed to be treated, I know better now.
 I have a friend (a man) who treats me with respect (he doesn't have a
disability).  Although I think it's wonderful, every so often I get
scared.  I'm enjoying our friendship so much.  How do I get over that
hurdle of feeling weird when he's just treating me the way a man is
supposed to treat a lady?  He's not afraid or embarrassed to help me in

Cindy C.