On Sun, 28 Nov 1999 10:32:36 -0500, Michael Wosnick <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I am contemplating the purchase of one of 3 the following (IDE)  CD-R
>HP 8200i (4x/4x/24x)
>Iomega ZipCD (4x/4x/24x)
>Ricoh MP7060a (6x/4x/24x)
>In Canada, all are obtainable at about the same price, but of course the
>Ricoh is a bit faster in the write department (6x vs. 4x). On the
>surface therefore, the Ricoh seems the better buy, but of course the
>surface is only the surface :)
>Any folks out there have direct experiences (good or bad) with any of
>these drives and wish to share suggestions/advice?
>Thanks to all.
>Michael A. Wosnick
>Richmond Hill, Ontario
>[log in to unmask]
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Hi all:

A good site to check out that has plenty
of information on all aspects of cd-rw is


They favor the Ricoh MP7040 (the predecessor to the 7060).
Also, Ricoh is listed there as a primary manufacturer of drives, so
you will find their drives sold under different names.. The site
has a cross reference list of who is manufacturing
all of the models out there at the "cd technology" link.



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                      Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]>
                       Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>