
Once again, I'm in your debt. I've always wondered what rhetoric or agrimony
people talk about regarding this forum. Yes, there are fools on the list.
Yes, there are many whose only aim to to deride the Yaya regime, and others
whose only aim is to do the exact opposite. But, in the main, this List
provides the best avenue for all educated  Gambians to have their say as to
where we are vis-a-vis where we should be headed as a nation. Most
contributors do that very objectively. So, if only people would stop this
"I'm above the fray" self-righteousness hypocrisy, we could get something
out of this.

At one point or another, someone is bound to question your
theories/info/ideas, or even attack you for reasons best known only to
themselves. But, it's part of the maturity of each of us to de-personalize
personal insults/slights and move on. I've seen many members do just that.
Those with thin skin have choices: QUIT WHINING or UNSUBSCRIBE!

As much as I hate reading some postings, it would be very tragic (and maybe
very Gambian?)if this forum is reduced to another Rubber Stamp institution.
It's that type of attitude that we've had towards the PPP regime for thirty
years, and look where it's gotten us. We have to agree to disagree. You
don't need to agree w/ me to be my friend, and you don't need to be my enemy
to disagree w/ me. Let everybody raise whatever issues they have regarding
our general body politic. Remember the cliche' "great minds don't think
alike." There are enough of us w/ reasonable common sense to filter out
rubbish. At the end of the day, common sense and decency will prevail.



>From: Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: It's time to heal/COMMENTARY
>Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:53:32 EST
>G-L community,
>l could not help but notice that many, not all,  who wrote to commend the
>initiative by Dr Abdoulaye Saine to find common ground towards positive
>contributions to the betterment of our country, also interjected some
>criticism of what they term " the rhetoric on the L", and how tired of it
>they were, or how they ignored it etc, etc. With all due respect, l have to
>point out that it is this so called "rhetoric" that inspired the very
>discussion towards healing that they are praising. l totally agree that
>rhetoric is fruitless, and the discussions that have taken place here over
>the last several months is much more than just so-called rhetoric.For this
>reason, l will not be among those who view these discussions that have
>on this list regarding the state of our nation as just mere
>information, both positive and negative  regarding the things that are
>shaping our nation were provided and discussed, and opinions given. This is
>healthy debate that has translated into an awareness of  the problems we
>as a nation, whether inflicted by individuals or the present administration
>in place at home. Due to this very exchange so blindly termed "rhetoric",
>those amongst us with a keen eye for analysis, as well as what l call " a
>natural knack for diplomacy" came forward to offer an analysis of the views
>expressed and the problems identified, as well as to suggest strategies for
>gaining a common ground, and for moving our nation forward. One of the
>individuals, and the first to be identified under the category of providing
>an analysis of the discussions and views expressed on the L, and offering a
>strategy for possible solutions, is Dr Abdoulaye Saine. l want to point out
>to those who tend to label everything as "rhetoric" and give an impression
>being above this rhetoric, that this new movement towards building a bridge
>towards change, and which all have embraced and praised, is a result of the
>analysis of the views and information provided by the so-called "rhetoric"
>speakers by Dr Saine's keen eye. Any downplay, dismissal or lack of
>recognition of that fact lends an air of dishonesty to the voice of those
>express it.
>Therefore, l remind all my fellow Gambians, that in order for us to move
>forward as a nation, we must not only try to focus on actions rather than
>mere words, but we must also be honest in recognizing the truth, and giving
>credit wherever that credit is due.Anything short of this will tend to be
>seen as a sort of self agrandizement, and will consequently lesson or
>undermine the credibility of the contributor no matter how impressive.
>To continue on  the issue of engaging in actions rather than mere words,
>giving credit where it is due, GESO is an organization that was born from
>discussions on this L regarding the  state of our educational institutions
>home. From discussion, we moved forward to identify possible solutions and
>invite those who wanted to put their money where their mouth is, to join
>organization, and to start by sending in their monthly dues.Many people
>come forward, including chapters in Norway, Denmark, U.K, The Gambia,  and
>here in North America. This past month, we sponsored our first four high
>school students. We have posted the GESO document to this list several
>so that at least the majority of the members of this list have seen it, and
>are familiar with the organization's goals, among which are the sending of
>computers and other educational aids to The Gambia, and serving as a
>for our schools back home. Here is what l think is a worthy organization
>can provide an avenue for going beyond mere criticism to action.
>However, as many notices as we have sent out on the L regarding GESO, and
>mauch commentary as we have witnessed that pertains to action rather than
>words, very few people have joined this organization to put their money,
>and energy to make a difference. Therefore, l am throwing out a challenge
>those who are ready to move beyond rhetoric, to please join GESO, so we can
>do something, right here, right now, while we are working on setting the
>agenda for even greater achievements for our country.
>Meanwhile, let us keep in mind that it is criticism and discussion that
>inspired us towards the formation of this organization, and it is continued
>discussion and yes, criticism that has to continue in any society and
>to make sure that the machinery of government tends to the business of the
>people. In short, for effective meeting of ideas, building of bridges, and
>the harnessing of individual contributions that result in good governance
>benefit all, l hope we never come to a point where constructive criticism
>the expression of our opinions are not just dismissed as mere "rhetoric"
>us make efforts to move forward by organization , action but by all means
>honesty as well.
>Jabou Joh
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