<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Friends,

I am sorry to be so tardy summarizing the responses to my post on corn
and rice intolerance.

Thank you so much to the 35 people who wrote to me. You have been a
great support.

Only one person had not heard of rice intolerance.Most of the reponses
had similar problems with rice and corn.

Two people suggested the Elisa test done by the Serammune lab in Western

Another person suggested reading the book Eat right for your blood type
by Dr Peter D'Adamo.

ONe said that skin tests were not reliable for identifying all food
allergies and that elimination diet was best. Actually, several people
suggested the elimination diet.

Three suggested associated lactose intolerance.

One suggested taking Rephe-Flora and that Safeway Stores Lucerne 2%
butterfat milk with acidiophilus and bifidus cultures works.

Another was to build up the leaky gut. One L=glutamine capsule and one
Pro Biotics with each meal. Also Veratrum Alb 30c, a homeopathic remedy
found at health food stores to stop attacks. Two pills under the tongue
is all that is needed.

Another suggested Refactory Sprue might be the culprit, that is gf is
not enough and may need drugs to help the gut heal.

A person with mirror symptoms suggested Pure Synergy which is an energy
supplement made in USA. I have the phone number if any one would like
it. Also Papaya formula by Swiss Natural Resources is helpful for
reactions. Another brand that is sugar free is found at www.puritan.com

There is also an Avoiding Corn forum site at www.delphi.com. This is
quite good and informative.

The majority of people suggested elimination diet, food diary, and keep
to basic natural food, ie fruit, vegetables and meat.

Thank you heaps. Your input has been such a support.

Cheers Tracy