<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear List,

I have decided to take on the challenge of making a travel website.  I
appreciate all the replies of encouragement I received on my initial email,
and apologize for not having responded--I have been focusing on desiging the

  Since there seems to be such a strong demand for updated and expanded
material I will do my best to meet these needs.  As a celiac in a recovery
phase who loved to travel I have time on my hands before I resume the nomadic
lifestyle of a student.......I have never built a webpage so my foray into
the world of html has so far been quite interesting.  But I have a great
desire to help everyone....so please do help me if you have any information
about countries in EUROPE...also including parts of E. Europe and Greece.  I
am not going to tackle the entire world all at once, as the more I work on
this the more overwhelming it becomes.  I apologize as I will not yet reveal
the site address as it is still being worked out!!  But I would like
information to start making the appropriate formatting adjustments. I will
let you all know about it as soon as it is decent.  And yes I will make links
to your pages if you send me the address.

Please send me information which you feel would be appropriate such as:
favorite brands of gf food in your country, where you get the food,
restaurants, airline recommendations, personal experience (but please keep
this short as I feel it will be most useful to give people the factual
informational tools to help themselves..such as address' of organizations,
hotels, food suppliers etc things they can check before they go etc otherwise
this site will get out of control!!)etc etc. and any recommendations you have
for me in regard to what you would most like to see on the site. This site is
built for you....so let me know what you want to see most!

Several of you who responded live(d) in areas of Europe (and some who just
travel there often)......I would be most appreciative if you who are so
knowledgeable could help me help everyone else to love your country and make
gf travel less stressful!

Thanks and I look forward to receiving your information about EUROPE!!

Saskia in Seattle