<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My doctor suggested I take simethicone in the form of GasX. I called the
company and they get their starch from outside sources and could not
guarantee what it was in there. They said it is not g/f. Is there
another chewable brand to use? I tried the Walmart brand Equate gelcap.
It is not releasing the simethicone as fast as the chewables and they
are g/f. I was also taking Bentyl for the past week. I am getting
reactions, hyper feeling, nausea,  and I know there is lactose in it.  I
am allergic to milk protein. I did some research and I found out that
the proteins from the milk can be in the lactose and even in such small
amts it can affect you if you are sensitive. What do other people do
when there is lactose in the drugs you are prescribed. It is hard to
find substitutes. Is Stokes the only answer? Thanking you in advance.

From a very senstive celiac and milk person,